About Us
We're not some large-scaled company looking to maximize profits off a supply-demand opportunity.
We're not some "body" that cares less about the wellbeing of animals or the planet than the lining of their pockets
We are humans who are making the effort to develop, source and offer fully vegan, organic, plant-based materials. All of our materials are diligently sourced and our production processes verified to contain only local materials and not use any animal or chemicals at all, whatsoever.
We have been between infuriated and depressed growing into a world that increasingly values quantity over quality, greed over need, and fight over love. It's our mission, along with millions of others worldwide to make the cumulative effort towards a more compassionate and conscious world. Join us by owning your Vegan Organic Plant Leather or by contacting us/joining our newsletter below to discuss future and further collaborations.
Peace and thanks!