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Cassava Leather Satchel

Cassava Leather Satchel

Regular price $250.00 USD
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Welcome to Vegan Plant Leather, the one place on the internet that makes and displays 100% vegan plant leather with absolutely no hidden use of chemicals or animal-based materials whatsoever. Our store now has access to a wide variety of 100% vegan plant leathers made out of coffee beans, cassava, banana and soon, coconut and fruits. Please read below for the various details on each product's material composition, origin, and recommendations. As always, should you have any questions or curiosities, please do not hesitate to contact us on our website here!Material: Coffee Leather (recycled, fermented coffee bean skins, combined with locally-sourced resin and essential oils, also local cotton for sewing), Cassava Leather (the same process but instead of coffee bean skins, cassava peels), Banana Fabric (desecrated banana peels combined with cottonOrigin: Indonesia, Philippines, India. Production/Shipping Time: From the data of order, all items can be produced, shipped and delivered worldwide within 1-3 weeks max.Maintenance Advice: For our Vegan plant leathers, we recommend an occasional cleaning using natural vegan oil such a coconut oil, similar to how one might naturally treat old-fashioned leather.Textile Strength: 13.25 MpaMorale: Bigger companies locate these sustainable alternatives and quickly buy them up, only to shelf them and hide them from the world - since 100% vegan, organic, plant leathers pose a real threat to the current mass market of animal and chemical-based products. We work closely with small-scale teams globally who still have been untainted by such toxic trends and continue to product 100% organic, vegan, plant-based materials without stutter. In any case, whenever you purchase a vegan product anywhere, do you research. It may not be as "vegan" or "organic" as it claims to be!We now also custom-make designs so if you have a particular fashion item that you would like to be made out of 100% vegan, plant-based material, then contact us and we'll send you a quote! Not all prices on our website are finalized at this very moment so if there is also a particular item on the site that would like whose price you would like to confirm / negotiate, please also contact us using the contact buttons above.

DISCLAIMER: Other than the first image and images found everywhere else on our site, all of the other images in this listing are AI-generated for demonstrating what products and more can be made.

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